US News


Mayor Giuliani is still riding a popularity wave a month after the World Trade Center calamity – but that doesn’t mean Democratic voters want him to stay after his term ends.

An exit poll of 1,380 Democrats who cast ballots in yesterday’s runoff showed Giuliani enjoys a 68 percent approval rating – an enviable figure for any politician, but nothing short of breathtaking for a Republican in an overwhelmingly Democratic town.

“That’s unbelievable,” said political consultant Joe Mercurio.

“Those aren’t just Democrats. Those are [left-leaning], primary-voting Democrats.”

Even 47 percent of black Democrats – who’ve traditionally shunned Giuliani – gave a thumbs up to his performance in office.

Among whites, the approval figure was 81 percent.

The mayor also enjoyed a 68 percent overall approval rating among Democrats in the exit poll conducted after the Sept. 25 primary.

But, fond as they are of the mayor, 68 percent of Democratic voters said he should leave as scheduled when his second term comes to a close Dec. 31.

Twenty percent suggested Giuliani be granted a three-month term extension to April 1, and another 12 percent were prepared to let him run a third time for a full, four-year term.

The issue seems academic at this point. Democrats in the state Assembly have made it clear they won’t change the law that forces elected officials here to pack it in after two consecutive four-year terms.

Although he didn’t officially back any of the four Democrats trying to snare his job, Giuliani allowed City Council Speaker Peter Vallone to share the stage with him in the aftermath of the WTC attack.

But Vallone finished third, far behind Ferrer and Green.

Giuliani also took a sharp swipe at Comptroller Alan Hevesi, who ended up trailing the field. Mayoral aides say Giuliani is certain to endorse Republican Michael Bloomberg in the Nov. 6 general election.

At the Columbus Day Parade on Monday, Bloomberg never left Giuliani’s side in the 35-block march up Fifth Avenue.

Mercurio, for one, is doubtful about Giuliani’s ability to transfer his popularity to Bloomberg.

“I don’t think it has a rub-off effect in November,” said Mercurio. “Endorsements generally don’t work that way.”

Giuliani indicated this week that he’d have something to say about his choice for a successor after the runoff.

But the mayor’s level of involvement in the Bloomberg campaign remains an open question.

“He’ll endorse him. He’ll make an ad for him. But if it looks like Bloomberg can’t win, will the mayor want to expend all that political capital for him?” one insider wondered.

Giuliani has yet to demonstrate that his endorsement can swing an election.

This year, he supported just two candidates, Democrat Herb Berman for comptroller and Bob Miller in the Democratic primary for City Council in Borough Park, Brooklyn. Both lost.



Which option for Mayor Giuliani do you prefer?

68% – He should leave office on Jan. 1

20% – His current term should be extended by three months

12% – He should be allowed to run for and a serve a third term

Do you approve or disapprove of the overall job that Rudy has done as mayor?

68% – Approve

32% – Disapprove

Source: Edison Media Research exit poll