US News


The 911 call came in seconds after the first hijacked plane hit the World Trade Center at 8:45 a.m. – signaling the start of the blackest day in New York history.

Dispatchers immediately started mobilizing equipment. But the first firefighters did not have to travel far – they came from a station on Liberty Street, only a few blocks away.

Many of them were almost certainly among the victims when the catastrophe doubled 18 minutes later. Thousands watched in horror and disbelief as a second plane filled with passengers slammed into the other Twin Tower.

As fire licked at the sides of the buildings and smoke billowed into the sky, both the police and the FDNY went to an “all-city” call – yanking in everyone on the payroll, including those off-duty or on vacation.

Soon, the feds – including FBI and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents – were descending on the scene of America’s worst-ever terror attack. But before officers could begin to assess what was happening, the world started crumbling.

At 9:50 a.m., the South Tower heaved into itself, shaking the streets as it sank into a heap of dust, smoke and debris.

Firefighter Dennis Fisher said he and his colleagues had just arrived on the scene when it happened – and were chased down the street “by a thick, huge black cloud of smoke. It was like a mushroom.”

When they returned, the street was deserted.

“There wasn’t a sound of a human voice,” he said.

Emergency medical worker Orlando Abreus was among a group who sought cover as the second tower fell.

“We looked up, we could see people jumping, and parts all on the floor,” he said.

Mike Carter, the vice-president of the firefighters union, guessed that about half of the 400 firefighters first on the scene may be dead.

“We have entire companies that are just missing,” he said. “We lost chiefs . . . We’re going to have to bury a lot of people.”

Police estimated at least 78 of New York’s Finest are missing.

At least two top FDNY officials were reported missing, First Deputy Bill Feehan and Chief of Department Peter Ganci.

Cops trapped in the debris screamed for help over their radios. Their frantic colleagues, unable to reach them, listened in anguish to calls of “Help!” “Come get me!” and “I can’t breathe!”

At least 30 fire trucks and two police emergency-service vehicles disappeared in the rubble. Several police cars were scorched, their tires melting onto the pavement.

Just before 10 a.m., as word spread that terror attacks were going on at the same time in the nation’s capital, the U.N. building was evacuated, train service was suspended citywide and bridges and tunnels were shut down. The second tower swayed back and forth as the rescue effort continued.

Screaming, people ran north, away from the building, turning around in time to see it disappear at 10:28 a.m.

As Gov. Pataki sent word that he was calling in the National Guard pandemonium raged.

Sirens wailed from every direction as ambulances sped down Broadway. But for every ambulance that arrived, there were dozens of people waiting.