US News


Schools Chancellor Harold Levy will let a parent – booted out of his son’s Upper West Side school following run-ins with the principal – back in the building.

A top aide to the chancellor lifted the order restricting Sid Blauner’s access to PS 165 following a probe spurred by The Post.

Blauner said he was made persona non grata in June after he visited the building numerous times to demand that officials make the school safer following attacks on several students.

He claimed that instead of addressing the problems, administrators retaliated by barring him from the building.

Principal Irma Marzan and District 3 Superintendent Patricia Romandetto charged he ran roughshod through the building, entering classrooms without authorization.

Romandetto even threatened to call police and have Blauner arrested if he entered the school – although most leaders of the parents association supported his efforts.

“I’m letting him back in the school as long as he follows the rules and regulations we expect all parents to follow,” said Burton Sacks, the Board of Education’s chief executive of community school-district affairs.

Blauner praised Levy’s office for reversing the order barring him from the school. But he also stressed parents shouldn’t have to go to the media to shame educators into action.

Sacks, in a July 24 letter to Blauner announcing his decision, said, “I applaud your interest and your commitment to the students of PS 165.”

He stressed a good relationship between the parents association and the principal is “essential to the well being of any school.”

But Sacks also rapped Blauner for violating rules by entering a classroom during a test without the principal’s authorization, and for attempting to launch various programs without the administration’s blessing.

“We applaud your desire to establish a basketball team,” Sacks said. “But any affiliation with the school may be done only with the required approvals.”

Sacks stressed that neither Blauner nor any other parent or visitor can “roam freely” through the building. He said the principal has the right to remove anyone who “endangers the children [or] interrupts the school’s normal course of business.”

“Your actions last school year – which I am certain were well intentioned – did not comply with these basic principles,” Sacks said.