US News


Three of the “Vieques Four” walked out of prison yesterday to cheers and hugs, vowing to keep the pressure on until every protester is freed and the U.S. Navy stops bombing the Puerto Rican island.

Assemblyman José Rivera, City Councilman Adolfo Carrión Jr. and Bronx Democratic leader Roberto Ramirez walked out of the Brooklyn Federal Detention Center shortly before 9 a.m. linked arm in arm.

They served 40 days for protesting bombing practices by the U.S. Navy in Vieques.

Noticeably absent was the Rev. Al Sharpton – who received the stiffest sentence of 90 days. Sharpton, who ended his fast Thursday, will remain behind bars until Aug. 15.

“This is great, it’s wonderful,” said Carrión as he hugged his 2-year-old son.

“It’s good to be home, it was a long 40 days, but not as long as 61 years,” said Ramirez, referring to the duration of the Navy’s presence in Vieques.

“Until Rev. Al Sharpton comes home, until every one of the individuals that engaged in civil disobedience . . . comes home and until the U.S. Navy stops the bombing of Vieques – we will not be free,” he added, saying that supporters would continue to hold afternoon rallies outside the prison.

Later, the three men appeared at a festive welcome-home rally in The Bronx.

The three said they plan to call on Congress for an immediate end to the bombing. President Bush has pledged to end the bombing within two years.

The latest New York politician to be arrested for protesting in Vieques is state Assemblyman Adam Clayton Powell IV, who was jailed Thursday. He has refused to pay a $2,000 bail.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson’s wife, Jackie Jackson, 57, served 10 days for protesting at the Navy base. She was released Wednesday with one year’s probation.