US News


WASHINGTON – First Daughter Barbara Bush will have to belly up for community service and alcohol counseling for her underage boozing, but twice-busted twin Jenna may get to cut a deal, Texas officials said yesterday.

New details also emerged about the drinking incident 10 days ago, as the Austin American-Statesman reported that cops had to stop the Secret Service from whisking the girls away before they could be questioned.

The twins showed up for two hush-hush court actions in Austin Thursday. Jenna pleaded not guilty to allegations she used someone else’s ID to try to get a margarita at a Tex-Mex food joint, and Barbara, sending her lawyer in her place to a little-publicized court hearing, pleaded no contest to underage drinking.

The municipal court agreed to set a July 31 hearing for Jenna – who was busted on another boozing charge in April – to see if her lawyer can strike a plea bargain with city prosecutors and avoid a trial.

Without a deal and if convicted, Jenna could face a $500 fine and lose her driver’s license for at least 30 days. With a deal, she might be able to get away with community service.

Barbara was ordered to do eight hours of community service, take an anti-drinking course and pay $100 in court fees – similar to what Jenna got when she was busted for having a beer at an Austin nightclub in April.

Thursday’s court action was kept quiet until yesterday.