US News


WASHINGTON – President Bush is so dead serious about tax refunds he’s even giving them to deceased individuals.

Hundreds of millions of dollars could be going to as many as 5 million dead, out-of-work, or newly retired Americans because of a generous provision added by Congress that prevents the IRS from recouping any mistakes.

The grass-roots Citizens for Tax Justice estimated that roughly 2 million people over the age of 20 expected to die this year could get checks because the refunds are based on year 2000 tax returns.

Checks for dead taxpayers will be sent to their beneficiaries.

“There will be some winners, there will be no losers,” said Treasury spokesman Rob Nichols.

Asked if the feds were throwing away money unnecessarily, he said the refund (about $38 billion is be paid out to some 98 million taxpayers) is for a good cause.

“The legislative intent was to put a shot in the arm of the economy,” Nichols told The Post.

The citizens’ group noted that, while taxpayers will benefit, millions of the nation’s poorest won’t get a dime because they didn’t earn enough money to pay federal taxes.

The IRS is calculating the refund checks based on last year’s earnings: the 2000 income-tax returns are the latest figures available.

A single person could receive up to $300; a single parent, up to $500; and a married couple, up to $600.

Taxpayers who asked for a four-month extension to file their 2000 return will still get a rebate, though they may have to wait a bit longer. Those who have moved are urged to give the Postal Service a change-of-address form.