US News


FEW public officials have lived la dolce vita quite as thoroughly as Bob Torricelli.

The fiery New Jersey senator – known as “The Torch” for his combustible temper – cavorts with beauties like Bianca Jagger and Patricia Duff and dines with celebrities and billionaires at hot spots around the world.

Now, Torricelli’s high-rolling ways could be his downfall.

A new danger to Torricelli’s skyrocketing career arose last week after a probe of arcane election-law violations switched its focus to a huge pile of illegal gifts the Democrat allegedly took – and used to live like a Rockefeller.

The alleged gifts included cash, cars, designer suits and jewels for a model girlfriend. He has denied taking anything illegal – but he can’t deny he’s led a lifestyle that’s put him in posh circles.

“He likes material things and the finer things in life,” said a former aide of Torricelli. “It’s very hard to live that lifestyle if you don’t have the money.”

The allegations that Torricelli took thousands of dollars in illegal gifts during his 1996 Senate campaign came from former pal David Chang, a convicted felon who reportedly spilled the beans on the senator as part of a plea-bargain deal.

Investigators are looking at allegations that there might have been a quid pro quo. Torricelli lobbied South Korean officials to support a bid by Chang – a generous contributor to his campaigns – to buy one of that country’s largest insurance companies. Torricelli insists he did no more for Chang than he would have for any constituent.

Chang allegedly told federal investigators that he gave cash, cars and even $600 earrings for Torricelli’s fashion model ex-girlfriend, Judy Balaban.

The list of gifts – first reported in The New York Times – reads like a page from the Neiman Marcus catalog: 10 pricey Italian suits, an $8,100 Rolex, Tiffany cuff links, a $1,500 Persian rug and a big-screen TV.

Chang then allegedly funneled $30,000 to the powerful lawmaker to spend on vacations and shopping trips. He also allegedly started making car payments on a Mercedes E230 sedan, before backing off when he inadvertently told the dealer the auto was for the senator.

Having donors fund the high life in this way is illegal under federal ethics laws, which prohibit a politician from taking individual gifts of more than $50 or a series of gifts that cost more than $100 in a year.

TORRICELLI, who acknowledged U.S. attorneys are probing his Senate campaign, said he cooperated with a search of his Englewood, N.J., home. He also angrily denied Chang’s claims.

“Allegations I engaged in illegal conduct are absolutely and unequivocally false,” he told reporters. “I know that I have been aggressive in my life. Perhaps I have earned some political enemies, but I have done nothing to betray the trust of the people of New Jersey.”

This week’s allegations are not the first time Torricelli has caught heat for living an A-list lifestyle on a B-list senator’s salary.

A 1990 report by the government watchdog group Common Cause rapped Torricelli for using political action committee funds when he was a U.S. representative to buy gifts and membership at the Harvard Club.

He also allegedly made hundreds of thousands of dollars on sweetheart initial public offerings not normally available to the general public. He even made overdrafts at the House bank.

Regardless of where he gets the money, there is little question Torricelli likes to move in the richest circles.

When he was dating Duff in the late 1990s, The Torch was seen everywhere from George Steinbrenner’s private box at Yankee Stadium to a swank 1999 Oscar party at Elaine’s.

He also wasn’t afraid to flaunt his hoity-toity tastes during his romance with Bianca Jagger in the mid-’90s.

He and Mick Jagger’s ex didn’t even blush as they lectured reporters about the struggle of the impoverished people of Guatemala – while they lounged on the deck on a 62-foot sloop, named Rights of Man, moored in a Bahamas harbor.

THIS life of luxury is a far cry from Torricelli’s humble roots as the son of a lawyer father and a New Deal-loving mother.

He has earned a reputation as a maverick, who’s conservative on Cuba but liberal on gun issues. He has been credited with helping the Democrats gain seats as the party’s chief fund-raiser.

It is not known how far the probe of the senator will go.

He has not been identified as a suspect, but the investigation has already ended in charges against seven Torricelli fund-raisers. The senator was quick to remind people last week that there were thousands of fund-raisers working on the campaign.