US News


The red-faced wife of Prince Edward quit her own public-relations firm last night after it was revealed her partner hinted they could set up sex tours and gay parties for clients and use the royal family to boost business.

Sophie Rhys-Jones said she was “stepping aside” as chairwoman of R-JH Public Relations and would restructure the company’s hierarchy.

Her partner, Murray Harkin, also quit after a newspaper sting caught him admitting on tape that he enjoyed cocaine and could procure young men and arrange sex tours for clients.

In another embarrassment, Harkin is heard boasting that the firm’s clients could capitalize on Sophie and Edward’s names by coordinating their ad campaigns with photo opportunities staged by the royals.

“A lot of people you want to reach are the people that she [Sophie] circulates with anyway, so those kind of people she can bring in . . . We do this all the time, Sophie and I,” Harkin is heard saying on a tape.

In her announcement, Rhys-Jones, 36, said: “This has been a difficult time for me. I take very seriously the issues raised and, naturally, regret any embarrassment above all to the queen.”

Rhys-Jones also slammed London’s News of the World newspaper for allegedly entrapping her – a charge echoed by Queen Elizabeth, who said she stood behind the Countess of Wessex 100 percent.

But behind the scenes, the royal family is reportedly furious over “Sophiegate,” which exploded April 1.

The queen has already demanded a sweeping probe into the business dealings of all working royals, with an eye toward issuing mandatory rules for them to follow to avoid further embarrassment.

Last month, the News of the World sent journalist Mazher Mahmood, disguised as a wealthy sheik and potential client, to discuss a fictional business deal with the countess.

As the pair chatted and a tape recorder secretly rolled, the countess said the 100-year-old Queen Mother stood in the way of Prince Charles marrying longtime mistress Camilla Parker Bowles.

She also called Prime Minister Tony Blair ignorant of life in rural Britain – currently being ravaged by the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease – and added that his wife, Cherie, is “even worse – she hates the countryside.”

Buckingham Palace said Rhys-Jones has already written letters of apology to her royal in-laws and to the Blairs.

But Harkin’s remarks – published for the first time yesterday in the News of the World – were worse.

“I don’t do lots of drugs, but the odd line of coke I quite like,” Harkin reportedly said. He also admitted he had taken the party-drug ecstasy.

Harkin then offered to arrange a gay party with 20 “A-list, discreet, nice gentlemen . . . not young, but nice, boys.”

He also took a swipe at the late Princess Diana, insisting that Sophie was “a lot more intelligent” than Di. And he commented on Edward’s sexual prowess, saying, “There’s no smoke without fire.”

There were calls by some newspapers last night for Sophie, who insists she still plans to have a “professional life,” to give up her royal title.


Embarrassing gaffes behind Sophie’s choice

While Britain is wracked with foot-and-mouth disease, Sophie Rhys-Jones and business partner Murray Harkin are suffering from serious cases of foot-in-mouth disease, following their candid comments about the royals, government officials and business practices. Rhys-Jones was reportedly caught on tape saying:

* Prime Minister Tony Blair is “ignorant of the countryside,” now engulfed by foot-and-mouth disease.

* Blair’s wife, Cherie, is “even worse – she hates the countryside.”

* Conservative Party leader William Hague “sounds like a puppet, unfortunately.”

* Prince Charles can’t wed mistress Camilla Parker Bowles as long as the 100-year-old Queen Mother remains alive.

* Prince Charles will “always have a go at putting a wig on or doing something silly.”

* Former Prime Minister John Major comes across as “completely wooden.” Harkin reportedly said.

* Sophie is “a lot more intelligent” than Princess Diana.

* The firm can procure “nice boys” for clients. “How young does he like? Does he like Asian boys? . . . And how young? 20, 21, 25, 28 . . . ?”

* He can arrange sex tours to the Far East.

* Referring to Prince Edward’s sexuality, “There’s no smoke without fire.”

* “The odd line of coke I quite like.”

– Bill Hoffmann