

THE New York Times on Saturday published an interesting story out of Havana, where Fidel Castro was hosting a conference on the 40th anniversary of the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion. Presented at the conference was a newly declassified internal CIA document that claims the agency “had a secret weapon at the Bay of Pigs – the ability to plant propaganda directly on international news wire services.”

Oliver Stones of the world, unite! A smoking gun at last!

Never mind that the document, obtained by author Jon Ellison, offers no proof for its boast that the spy agency could “place specific messages and propaganda lines” on the AP and UPI wires during and after the invasion that would be key to “stimulating sympathetic support . . . from other countries.”

History would suggest otherwise. The CIA-backed misadventure, intended to overthrow Castro, was a military and political disaster for the new JFK administration.

And to those who nod knowingly at suggestions that the CIA manipulated the news, consider that Castro and his Communist predecessors enjoyed far more effective journalistic assets.

Indeed, Castro himself would never have come to power were it not for Herbert Matthews, The New York Times’ Cuba correspondent in the ’50s and early ’60s. As the paper’s former executive editor, Max Frankel, has written, Matthews “practically invented Fidel Castro for the American people.”

A fervent admirer of Fidel’s revolution, Matthews “shielded Castro from the left” and “vouched for Castro’s idealism.” He insisted Castro had no Communist leanings, “even after radical Fidelistas had been displaced by Communists or jailed.” The journalist and the dictator grew so close that when Frankel was allowed to interview Castro, he was reassured that “any friend of Herbert’s was also his friend.”

Decades earlier, Matthews had preached the gospel of the Soviet-backed forces in the Spanish Civil War. The pro-Communist magazine New Masses promoted Matthews for a Pulitzer Prize, arguing that his “dramatic and fearless reporting has set a new high in foreign correspondence.”

Also in the ’30s, The Times’ Walter Duranty had functioned as a blatant apologist for Joseph Stalin, writing knowingly false articles denying his brutal collectivization policies that killed 7 million people and rationalizing his murderous purge trials. Writes Frankel of Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize: “He was probably unworthy of the honor.”

Nor were they alone in trying to influence news dispatches from the left. In the mid ’30s, there were so many Communists working for the Times that they were organized in a cell that published its own monthly newsletter. Meanwhile, Joseph Barnes, foreign editor of the New York Herald-Tribune, was likely funnelling information to the Soviet GRU. And CBS News reporter Winston Burdett later confessed that, in the early part of his career, he had also been a Soviet espionage agent.

During World War II, Soviet intelligence “sucessfully used Communist journalists in the West to carry out its subversive tasks,” write Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel – even to the point of planting an agent in the office of leading columnist Walter Lippman.

Ironically, the Havana conference comes on the eve of the 100th birthday of another onetime Communist journalist, Whittaker Chambers, who actually served as an espionage agent. But Chambers abandoned Communism and worked to destroy it: It was his evidence that unmasked and brought about the conviction of Soviet agent Alger Hiss.

The Left still vilifies Chambers today – while Hiss, who died four years ago, enjoys an endowed chair in his name at Bard College and a new Web site, sponsored by NYU, dedicated to promoting the now-discredited case for his innocence.

Hiss also benefitted from the aid of left-wing journalists – most notably A.J. Liebling, the revered New Yorker writer who wrote ostensibly objective pieces about the case even as he was working as an unofficial, and undisclosed, investigator for the Hiss defense.

And at Time magazine, where Chambers worked as a senior editor (until he was forced out), at least three senior journalists – Richard Lauterbach, John Scott and Stephen Laird – were Communists working with the KGB.

Alger Hiss’ resolute defenders and sympathizers may continue to believe that the CIA-controlled “kept press” hastened the end of the Soviet Union. History, however, teaches that Communism long flourished, thanks in large measure to the efforts of Moscow’s many active friends in the journalism fraternity.