US News


ALL the experts say buxom Brazilian models are out. They say the boyish Belgians have replaced the sexy, curvaceous Brazilians – epitomized by Gisele’s flowing locks and luscious legs.

Not so, say the Brazilians.

“We’re not going anywhere,” says Brazilian Ana Beatrice, who stalked the runway for BCBG the past few days at Fashion Week. “We have a very healthy, natural look. We are still skinny, but at least we have boobs and butts.”

“It’s not like I came over on some Brazil model truck and now that it’s the Belgians’ time, I am going to go back home,” adds Fernanda Tavares, a top model who pals around with Gisele Bundchen.

She denies there’ll be any claws out on the catwalk.

“It’s not like I hate all the Belgian girls, or something,” says Tavares, 20, who has Dolce and Gabanna and Guerlain on her resume. “We all get along fine.”

Fashion experts say it’s the nature of designers to change preferences every season. This year, the shows have been all about personality instead of prettiness and Belgian girls have been best for the job.

“The look is going back to strong bone structure in the faces,” one fashion insider told The Post. “Designers are looking for girls to wear the clothes instead of the clothes wearing them. With the Belgian girls, they don’t have perfect faces, but they have strong personalities

Even the classically stunning Tavares sees merit in the edgy Belgians.

“Before, when we were really popular, everyone wanted the sexy look – femininity, the curves,” explains Tavares. “The Belgians are not like that. They are beautiful, but not so much sexy. They are a little more cold.”

COLD as in cold hard cash. Having the look of the season can mean $80,000 extra a year in the United States and hundreds of thousands more internationally, says Katie Ford, CEO of Ford Models.

“I think some [models] are worried,” Ford acknowledges. “When the business changes trends and only one type is being used, the other type is threatened. After all, it is directly related to their livelihood.”

Ford adds that the Brazilians shouldn’t panic.

“Right now, both types are there,” she says. “It’s not like five years ago, when only the ‘interesting’ models were en vogue and classic beauties were not used at all. Then, it was black and white. Now, I think there’s more diversity.”

The Brazilian models insist they’re still in demand.

“Fashion always changes, and if, right now, they’d rather have a plain, clean look than a sexy girl, well, that doesn’t mean the sexy girls won’t still find business,” says Brazilian model Caroline Ribeiro, famous for her two seasons in the Gucci campaign and currently working with Louis Vuitton and Chanel. “I’m busier than ever.”

Just this week, fresh off the Brazilian boat, Michelle Alves snapped up the coveted H&M campaign, which many thought would go to American Frankie Rayder.

Word in the industry is that the “easy-to-work-with Latin temper” may help the South Americans weather the storm.

And the Latin sirens say they’re happy to adapt.

“As a professional, I can do anything,” Tavares insists. “If you look at my body, you could never say, ‘She could do boyish.’ I have curves. But I guess I could do both, as a professional.”