

TAMPA – The Giants got here first. They hope to be the last team standing.

A weekend snowstorm could not deter the underdog Giants from making an on-time arrival in the city where 10 years ago they dared to dream. Ten years later, they’re back, seeking to reclaim glory for the franchise and a title for themselves and the city that has suddenly broken out in Blue Fever.

Their charter flight touched down and out came a cast of characters that by now were supposed to be scattered across the country, their football season long since extinguished. To the shock of so many, their season remains alive, burning hot and bright.

Last night they settled in for the start of a week-long endurance test before they take the field Sunday at Raymond James Stadium to battle the Ravens in Super Bowl XXXV.

The Ravens opted to travel today from Baltimore, but Jim Fassel couldn’t wait to get here, to ensure that his team, riding so high, got its feet planted firmly on the ground as soon as possible. His team is in place. His game plan is in place. Seven days and counting for the Giants.

For some, this is a seven-day party, but Fassel has laid down the law.

“If you guys want to go and have a great time at the Super Bowl, go when we’re not playing,” Fassel declared last night in his first press conference of the week at the Giants’ team hotel. “We’re here to work.”

And not to play. Fassel, ever the details man, met with the Giants last night moments after they arrived at the hotel, warning his players of the pull of the Florida nightlife.

Fassel went as far as to name certain establishments “that are targets” and left nothing unsaid.

“I’ve covered everything with them,” he promised.

“He’s made references to the temptations and we all understand it,” Michael Strahan said. “I think the guys are smart enough to realize where they should be, how they should act and where they shouldn’t be. We’ll see how it goes this week.”

There are curfews every night, which is a strict way to handle this week, considering many coaches do not install a curfew until later in the week.

Players were free last night and many scattered for dinner plans, the warning fresh in their minds. Curfew last night was 1:30 a.m.

“I’m an older guy,” Keith Hamilton said. “If he tells me all this stuff is going down I think, ‘OK, this is a place I don’t want to be.’ He spoke about drinking and driving and the ordinance about lap dancing. He warned the guys to be careful.

“We came from New York City. Tampa Bay, there’s a lot to do, and this may be a lot of nightlife to some people, but it ain’t got nothing on New York.”

Plenty of players were decked out for their first Super Bowl. Hamilton had his hair freshly braided. The same for Ike Hilliard. Suits were finely pressed.

On the flight from Newark Airport, the team, fittingly, watched “Remember The Titans.” What did you expect, Michael Douglas in “Traffic?”

“Guys were relaxed, having a great time,” Strahan said. “We realize now this is what we worked a long time for.

“We’re about to land and Jessie Armstead kicks the back of my seat. I turn around and he says, ‘Can you believe we’re going to the Super Bowl?’ I think it’s finally starting to hit some guys that we’re here. The biggest games of our lives, it’s going to be the one opportunity we may get, we have to take advantage of it.”

Fassel, at 5:04 p.m., walked down the steps of the first team bus to arrive at the Giants hotel, escorting his wife, Kitty, wearing a bright red blazer. Fassel was in a dark blue suit.

“Fass-el . . . Fass-el” the fans shouted, about 100 in all, decked out in various Giants garb. Out came John Fox, wearing sunglasses. Tiki Barber, holding a video camera, in a maroon leather jacket.

There were held-held cameras everywhere, Ike Hilliard and Amani Toomer, Jason Whittle. Emmanuel McDaniel, in a goldish jump suit, black wide-brimmed fedora and aqua, yes, aqua, shoes. Sam Garnes, with a blue Giants cap, a simple fashion statement. What else from a guy who hails from The Bronx?

The first lobby interview went to general manager Ernie Accorsi, who did two stand-ups in a five-minute span.

The national media was not out in force as of last night, but this was still a blitz of impressive proportions.

“Coming from New York and being in the media capital of the world, you kind of get used to being in the center of attention,” Hamilton said. “But this is a little bit more than we’re used to.”

During Fassel’s introductory press conference, his 19-year old son Mike was in the back, recording everything on a hand-held camcorder. The cameras starting rolling early, while the Giants were still back inside their own locker room.

“Guys want to remember this,” Strahan said.

Fassel, as hospitable as they come, was completely at ease in his first national appearance.

“I’ll repeat the question for you,” he told the assembled media, making the entire process easier to digest.

They knew they were headed here as soon as their 41-0 trouncing of the Vikings in the NFC Championship Game was complete. But now they are truly sure.

“It’s weird to see the Super Bowl logos with the Giants helmet included with the Ravens helmet, I will say that,” Strahan said. “I’m thinking, ‘Wow, it’s amazing, we’re actually on that?’ “

They’re on it. They’re here. Giants get here first. They hope to be the last team standing.