US News


Admitted wife-beater Mark Gastineau was sent back to the slammer last night – after probation officials reviewed the ex-Jet’s rap sheet following a Post story that disclosed he’d been quietly freed.

Authorities said Gastineau, 43, will serve his 18-month sentence for assaulting his wife, Patricia, and violating the terms of his probation.

The former defensive lineman had been released from Rikers Island two weeks ago into the custody of Teen Challenge, a bible-based drug-treatment program on Long Island.

The once-fearsome member of the Jets’ “Sack Exchange” told The Post in an exclusive interview that he was “serving God and sacking Satan” and feeling remorse for his violent past.

Prosecutors, who have long said Gastineau has used his celebrity status to avoid serving jail time for a history of domestic violence, were outraged to learn he’d been sprung.

Sources at Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau’s office told The Post they were “shocked” to hear of Gastineau’s release – after a judge had said he’d had his last chance dodging jail.

Prosecutors put pressure on probation officials to send the sack king back to jail, sources said.

Probation spokesman Jack Ryan said the Local Conditional Release Board based its decision returning Gastineau to jail on “new information . . . regarding Mr. Gastineau’s legal history.”

After pleading guilty to a 1998 attack on his wife, Gastineau was sent to participate in an anger-management program. When he failed to comply, he was sentenced to serve weekends at Rikers.

He didn’t show up – and was then sent to a residential drug-treatment program in The Bronx. He left the program before his time was up.

His repeated violations landed him back in court last September, where prosecutor Angela Albertus argued he deserved jail time.

“The defendant has received more chances than most defendants who commit these types of crimes and fail to fulfill their requirements and fail to abide by court orders,” Albertus said.

“The defendant does not believe his actions should have any consequences.”

He was in Rikers four months before his release. Based on a Correction Department formula that considers “good time served,” he has six months to go.

Gastineau’s wife, Patricia, would not comment on her husband’s fate.

But Teen Challenge director Jimmy Jack, the pastor who fought for Gastineau’s release, said he believes the former football star has finally learned his lesson.

“You’re going to hear about Mark in the future,” he said. “He’s going to do good things.”