US News


AUSTIN, Texas – George W. Bush turned to a higher authority on his first day as president-elect – pausing to pray as his transition team hustled to assemble an Oval Office lineup.

“You have been chosen by God to lead the people,” the Rev. Mark Craig said in a morning service, comparing the 43rd president with Moses.

Bush held hands with wife Laura in the first pew of a cozy Methodist church all decked out for Christmas, and joined in prayers for healing after the bitter ballot standoff.

“Come let us reason together and heal the hurt deep inside, reach out a hand to a brother and heal the great divide,” country crooner Larry Gatlin sang.

Laura Bush had asked Gatlin to pen two songs for the service.

Bush’s aides took a break from the five-week fight, refusing to name White House staff choices but keeping up their bipartisan talk.

Still, the pressure kicked into high gear for the transition team, which was busy sifting through more than 21,000 resumes to fill 6,000 jobs.

The camp dangled one tantalizing Cabinet clue in front of the nation.

Louisiana Sen. John Breaux – a Democrat mentioned as a possible treasury secretary – flies into Austin today for a huddle with Bush.

Vice President-elect Dick Cheney said names would come “soon” and that the team expects to have a Cabinet ready by Inauguration Day.

“We are doing everything we can to get everybody named as quickly as possible,” Cheney said after getting the key to the transition office. “But I don’t want to establish an artificial deadline.”

Bush may make an announcement tomorrow during a visit to his beloved ranch outside Austin, aides said.

Top picks expected soon include Gen. Colin Powell for secretary of state and Condoleezza Rice for the national security adviser spot. They would be the first African-Americans to hold the high-ranking posts.

Two Bush staffers in Austin also were working the phones, fending off any last-minute Electoral College defections before Monday’s vote.

Spokesman Ray Sullivan said the camp doesn’t expect any of its crucial 271 electors to jump ship, but wants to deflect a partisan “barrage” of calls and e-mails.

Just two missing votes could send the election to the House of Representatives.

“We have to make sure they know where they need to be, and when, and that they know what their duties are,” Sullivan said.

Bush will stay in Texas until Sunday, when he plans to fly to Washington for meetings with President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and congressional leaders.

Clinton told Bush Wednesday night he was “looking forward to working with him.”

Bush shot back he was “looking forward to working with the senator” – freshman lawmaker Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Spending most of the day behind closed doors, Bush fielded a flurry of belated congratulations from world leaders – including Mexico’s new President Vicente Fox.

And he got conciliatory calls from Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) and the Rev. Jesse Jackson.

The president-elect and the protesting preacher talked about “healing the nation and bringing the country together,” a Bush aide said.

But many warned it won’t be easy for Bush, especially among minorities fuming over the vote-counting chaos.

“He’s got to dig a little deeper and understand the deep, bitter feelings some people still have,” said Michigan Rep. David Bonior, the No. 2 Democrat in the House.