US News


Turkey has moved to ban “Pokemon” from its airwaves after two children jumped from balconies because they believed they had superpowers like the TV cartoon characters.

The Radio and Television High Council, the government’s broadcast watchdog agency, said it would further punish station ATV by taking all of its programming off the air for one day.

The actions came after the Turkish health minister, Osman Durmus, blamed the popular show for separate incidents in which a 7-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy were injured in jumps from high rise buildings last month.

Zuhtu Sezer, program director for the private station, said none of the other 60 countries where “Pokemon” is shown had taken similar steps.

“How far will this go? Will they ban sales of Pokemon toys?” Sezer asked.

“Where is the freedom of expression?”

ATV said it would continue showing the series pending an appeal.