US News


WASHINGTON – Armed with candy bars, mittens, a windbreaker and CDs, Rob Hutchings claimed space No. 2 yesterday – eager for a rare seat at today’s historic Supreme Court hearing.

The American University student planned to “hunker down” against the bitter, freezing temperatures that he and hundreds of others would sit through before court opens at 10 a.m.

“I’ve got a Discman, so I’ll probably listen to some music,” Hutchings said. “I’m all about the Rolling Stones.”

Hutchings didn’t rule out pocketing some dough if a well-heeled lobbyist offers him cool cash for his spot.

“If somebody made a reasonable offer, I’d consider it. I’m only human,” he said.

With the presidency on the line -or the perception, anyway -crowds assembled at dawn yesterday on the south side of the Supreme Court, calling to mind all-night stakeouts for World Series tickets.

Tom Duell and Bob Thompson, both of Rhode Island, jumped aboard an Amtrak to get to Washington and claim spots Nos. 5 and 6 around 7 a.m.

With a stash of peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches, clementines, apples and crackers for fuel, the two friends were excited about the history unfolding this morning with the 90-minute hearing on the Florida election fiasco.

“This is a moment I’ll never see again. It’s the center of the universe,” Thompson said.

Duell, a knit cap pulled down low on his head, paused before muttering, “I should have brought some whiskey.”

The Supreme Court holds hundreds of spectators.

About 120 seats are set aside for reporters. At least 75 are reserved for lawyers. Clerks and other court workers get a share of the seats, as do family and pals of the justices.

Subtract another 50 or so for members of Congress and top staff, plus dozens more for the lawyers representing George W. Bush and Al Gore and it’s easy to see why the public gets a measly 50 chairs.

Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat from Brooklyn and a member of the House Judiciary Committee, reserved himself a seat yesterday.

So operating on a first-come, first-served basis, Joe Public was encouraged to line up along East Capitol Street, in sight of the court but out of sight of the cameras assembled out front.

A few grabbed a place in line carrying only a backpack and a cup of coffee.