

ST. LOUIS – The Mets know this is their best shot. They are four wins from the World Series and the Braves are gone.

They say they aren’t overconfident, but when they step on the Busch Stadium field tonight for the opener of the National League Championship Series, they will feel differently than they did a year ago when they walked into the home of their nemesis, Turner Field.

“We feel a little more comfortable in our situation,” Darryl Hamilton said. “It is no mystery that Atlanta’s been a thorn in our side the last two years. Coming into the championship series not facing Atlanta: Is it a relief? Yeah, I’m not going to sit here and lie about it.

“We are still in a tough situation because they swept Atlanta so it’s not like there is no way we’re going to lose this series. These guys beat the mighty Braves three straight. If anything, it is added pressure to get away from having too much confidence in this series.”

This is also Mike Hampton’s chance for playoff redemption. Some have been quick – probably too quick – to label Hampton a small-game pitcher. Hampton’s critics, though, will have more evidence if he doesn’t pitch like he did his two times here during the regular season.

“I want to go out there and be the man,” said Hampton, who also added he wasn’t concerned about the perception of some that he hasn’t come up big in big games.

Hampton was 1-1 with a 2.20 ERA in his two starts against the Cardinals here. The last time, in September, he was outdueled by his old Astro pal, Darryl Kile, in a 2-1 loss. It will be Hampton and Kile tonight in Game 1.

Bobby Valentine, who reserved the right to change his mind, plans on going with the same starting four as he did against the Giants, meaning it will be Hampton, Al Leiter, Rick Reed and the nearly perfect Bobby Jones. With Hampton and Leiter going in the first two games, it would appear the Mets have an edge since the Cardinals hit .255 against lefties, 21 points lower than their average against right-handed pitching.

But the Mets aren’t buying into the numbers.

“Sometimes you throw logic and stats out the window when you get to this level,” Todd Zeile said.

There is a reason the Mets beat the Cards the first six times the teams played this season. There is a reason that in the Cardinals’ three victories here at the beginning of last month, they could only beat the Mets on the final pitch of the game. The Mets are better.

The Cardinals’ lineup is keyed by lefties Jim Edmonds and Will Clark. They are the ones who must be stopped.

“If we can find a way to keep those two guys down, I think we’ll be OK,” Hamilton said. “It is going to be tough.”

The Mets must not forget team history. The last time they had this good an opportunity to go to the World Series, it was 1988. The Mets beat the Dodgers 10 of 11 that year before the Dodgers bounced them out of the NLCS.

Coming out of the Cards’ locker room yesterday was a feeling from the Redbirds that the Mets might be overlooking them, thinking Atlanta is done, so the Mets’ road to the Series is clear.

The Mets must be careful not to look ahead. They are four wins away from a dream – perhaps even a dream matchup with the Yankees – but they must respect this Cardinals team.

“We saw how they beat Atlanta,” Hamilton said. “I don’t think any of the games were really close. We know what they are capable of doing. Nobody is sitting in here and saying this is a sure thing.”

The Cards are not an easy matchup for Hampton. Despite his success this season against St. Louis, there are four batters in the St. Louis lineup who have hit .417 or better against him.

J.D. Drew (.538 in 13 at-bats), Placido Polanco (.450 in 20 at-bats) and Fernando Vina (.421 in 19 at-bats) have all given Hampton trouble.

Eric Davis (.471 in 17 at-bats) will start for the Cardinals against Hampton. He will likely replace Ray Lankford (.258 in 31 at-bats). Why does he have success against Hampton?

“I ain’t that smart,” Davis said.

Although Zeile tried to play the voice of reason in regard to the numbers not meaning a thing, he did acknowledge them.

“Our matchup, in a realistic sense, is better against these guys [than the Braves] because they really rely on the left-handers in their lineup,” Zeile said. “And we have solid left-handed pitching that can hopefully do something to neutralize them.”