US News


The man who killed ex-Beatle John Lennon reportedly wants to hit the road for a singing tour – belting out songs about the 1980 slaying – if he’s ever released from jail.

Mark Chapman, 47, who is seeking parole after serving 20 years for the murder of Lennon outside his Manhattan apartment, brags about the sick ambition in a documentary film being offered to British television stations, the News of the World reports today.

His wish hasn’t the slightest chance of coming true, surviving Beatles and their families say.

A spokesman for Paul McCartney said, for him, “This man does not exist.”

Lennon’s cousin, Stanley Parker, who grew up with the star, fumed that the idea of the tour “is horrendous.

“He should have been executed,” he told the British tab.

Lennon’s half-sister, Julia Baird, commented that Chapman would probably never survive such a tour.

“He’d get lynched,” she said.

The film features “highlights” more than three hours of interviews with Chapman, the tabloid says.