NEED to get in shape for the upcoming Brokers Brawl?

That’s the famous boxing match that gets Wall Streeters into the ring to bash each other’s brains in. Last year’s heavyweight final featured 205-pound Brian Yates of Schonfeld Securities against 240-pound bruiser Nelson Lee of Hess Trading.

Lee won that match. Yates said he won’t be back this year.

Even more brokers and other Wall Streeters are expected to sign on for this year’s Brawl, in November at the World Gym on Mercer Street.

Meanwhile, they can practice at the White Collar Sparring Show at Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn. There will be one event on Sept. 22 and another on Oct. 27. The only rule is no professional boxers are allowed.

Who knows? Maybe you can even get Gleason’s trainer Carlos Ortiz, who worked with pro boxer Stephan Johnson, to pass on a few tips.