US News


ONE of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s biggest Democratic detractors has changed her tune.

City Councilwoman Ronnie Eldridge of the West Side gave Clinton a “very special welcome” at the first lady’s City Hall press conference last week, calling it a “great pleasure” to introduce a “longtime supporter of women and their needs.”

But last November, Eldridge was publicly urging Clinton to step aside for some other Democrat, telling reporters: “She’s the weakest candidate.”

“She doesn’t have a New York instinct … People are also tired of the Clinton name,” said Eldridge. Eldridge now says Hillary “has won me over,” adding, “I like her energy. I like her presence.”


Clinton just can’t win when it comes to baseball.

The first lady has taken endless grief over her claim to be a lifelong Yankee fan – and now, even her past rooting for her native state’s Chicago Cubs is costing her.

Jerry Reinsdorf, owner of the White Sox – the Windy City’s other team – is hosting a fund-raiser for Rick Lazio in his Comiskey Park skybox on Friday, when the team takes on the Red Sox.

The word is that Reinsdorf wants to make Clinton pay for her allegiance to the rival Cubs.

In case anyone’s wondering, Lazio’s a Met fan.


Mayor Giuliani’s not running, but he will be traveling to the City of Brotherly Love next month to cheer for the Republican ticket at the party’s national convention.

The mayor made a point of missing the Republican National Convention in San Diego in 1996. He told reporters afterward: “I made the best choice in terms of sticking to my job and trying to do the best that I can to be a mayor that reaches out to both political parties.”

State Republican boss Bill Powers – who was feuding with Giuliani at the time – didn’t invite him to the 1996 convention. This time, Powers invited the mayor along.


On the campaign trail in The Bronx recently, Hillary confronted one of the Clintons’ harshest critics in the media.

She spotted conservative columnist and CNN commentator Robert Novak in a group of reporters at St. Ann’s Church, which the first lady was visiting.

An extraordinary exchange took place when Clinton suddenly called forward Novak – who had written scathingly about President Clinton’s impeachment – to meet Episcopal priest Martha Overall.

“She believes in redemption, Bob,” the first lady said, her voice thick with meaning.

“Me, too,” Novak muttered under his breath, as he turned away.