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A New York Apple Tours double-decker bus slammed into a mail truck in Manhattan yesterday – just an hour before the city asked a judge to yank the company’s license.

The collision, at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 28th Street, was the company’s second accident this week. On Monday, a New York Apple bus, operated by an improperly licensed driver, struck and killed an actor.

“This company should be forever banned from ever being a sightseeing company in New York City,” Department of Consumer Affairs attorney Susan Kassapian told administrative law Judge Judith Gould.

The city filed for an emergency suspension of the company’s license after the actor, Randolph Walker, 71, was struck down at the corner of Ninth Avenue and 45th Street.

“Granting this motion would put this company out of business,” said New York Apple Tours lawyer Bruce Paulsen, who asked for more time.

Gould agreed to continue the hearing today.

In yesterday’s collision, a New York Apple bus loaded with passengers rear-ended a U.S. Postal Service truck. There were no injures, but cops issued seven non-moving violations to the company.

Kassapian said police checkpoints put up since Monday have turned up a dozen improperly licensed New York Apple drivers.

Tom Fullington of the state Department of Motor Vehicles testified that many of New York Apple’s drivers don’t have proper licenses.

Fullington said a DMV review of a list of drivers turned over by the company Wednesday found only 24 out of 58 currently were in complete compliance.

Paulsen disputed the list, saying some of the drivers hadn’t worked for New York Apple in years.

New York Apple Tours owner Hayim Grant said the company would cooperate with any investigation.