US News


WASHINGTON – Newt Gingrich, the chubby former House Speaker and Republican firebrand from Marietta, Ga., has – for the third time – found a soul mate.

Sources say Gingrich, 56, will tie the knot on Aug. 18 with Callista Bisek, 34, the House Agriculture Committee staffer with whom Newt secretly dallied for six years during his failed marriage with his second wife, Marianne.

The wedding will mark the last chapter in the messy affair that broke last year when the former speaker left Marianne for Bisek.

The two were spotted in December shopping for wedding rings at Tiffany’s, where one observer said she thought Gingrich “was surprised by the price.”

Team Gingrich had nothing to say yesterday about the summer nuptials, which were first reported in The Washington Post, nor did lawyer Victoria Toensing, a close friend of Marianne.

Gingrich made a name for himself by writing the Contract with America and leading the Republican takeover of the House in 1994.