US News


WASHINGTON – Mayor Giuliani’s campaign chief yesterday shrugged off ex-House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s claim that Hillary Rodham Clinton will beat Hizzoner for Senate – and could run for president in 2004.

“He’s certainly entitled to his opinion, but the only thing that really matters is Election Day,” Giuliani campaign manager Bruce Teitelbaum said of the fellow Republican’s crystal gazing.

“This is going to be a very close, competitive race where we think the people of New York are going to support the mayor because of his record and his knowledge of the people and issues of New York.”

Clinton’s campaign spokesman, Howard Wolfson, promised a response to the former speaker’s remarks – but never called back The Post.

In the past, Clinton has denied having eyes on someday sitting in her husband’s seat in the Oval Office, although one of his top Arkansas staffers, Betsey Wright, once predicted that was her ambition.

Gingrich raised eyebrows at a weekend speech in Richmond, Va., where he also claimed that Republican 2000 nominee-to-be, George W. Bush, has a staff that is “not quite up to speed yet” in running a national campaign.

The ex-speaker claimed there’s too much “Austin” in Bush’s campaign and he needs to add advisers with broader experience outside Texas.

Bush’s top Texas trio, strategist Karl Rove, campaign chief Joe Allbaugh and communications director Karen Hughes, are all new to national politics.

“Mrs. Clinton has a very good chance in New York state, and I also think that she is well-positioned, and if I were guessing right now, I would say she probably has the edge to win,” Gingrich said.

“And if [Vice President Al] Gore does lose, she probably has the edge to be the nominee in 2004 of the Democratic Party.”

Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer brushed off Gingrich’s remarks, noting that every national poll so far in April has shown Bush leading Gore.

“If [Clinton] would like to challenge then-President Bush in 2004, that’s a decision she’ll have to make. But we do not expect her to be a senator when she makes that decision,” Fleischer added.

Other Republican strategists suggested Gingrich is publicly grumping about Bush because it gets him attention that can lead to highly paid speeches – and because he’s mad that Bush hasn’t consulted him.

“Newt thinks the Bush campaign is not ready for prime time because they don’t call him for his advice,” one GOP strategist said.

Gingrich quit Congress in 1998 after GOP midterm losses sparked a rebellion in the ranks. It was later revealed that he’d carried on an affair with a young GOP staffer while denouncing President Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky fling.