

Expos 11 Mets 6

JUPITER, Fla. — The bait threw here yesterday. In two innings, he walked two, gave up three hits, which led to two runs (both earned) in the Mets’ 11-6 loss to the Expos yesterday.

And, most importantly, Grant Roberts, after what he described as a “wild” outing, did nothing to entice the Twins that he could be the centerpiece to

bring Brad Radke to the Mets.

Of course, you don’t grade the 22-year-old Roberts’ trade value on one start. However, you should know this about “the Mets top pitching prospect” — he is not going to reach what one Met executive called his John Smoltz-potential until he works like John Smoltz does, and that means harder.

“He can be a mediocre pitcher in the majors or he can be a top of the rotation starter,” said assistant GM Jim Duquette, alluding to the work ethic issue.

“I definitely believe you have to work hard; especially if you want to stay in the big leagues,” Roberts said. “I’ve heard this a lot. It is hard to get there, but it’s even harder to stay.”

Right now, the California-bred Roberts might be “the Mets top pitching prospect,” more due to attrition (the team has traded every other live arm to get Mike Piazza, Mike Hampton, Al Leiter, Dennis Cook and Billy Taylor) than his worth.

So when you hear all this talk about the Mets getting Radke remember that you must give something to get something. So without a Jay Payton or a Jorge Toca — or both — Roberts will not get a deal done.

Roberts, from El Cajon, Calif., comes across a little indifferent about his job. Instead of saddling up next to one of the Met pitching veterans, he says, “I don’t try to pick anyone’s brain too much.”

Why not? He owns four pitches. A fastball in the 90s, a slider, a change and a curve. He is 6-foot-3 and 205 pounds. This is the recipe to make millions. All it needs is a dash of very hard work.

“It has gotten better,” Duquette said. “It’s not like Johnny Franco or any of the established veterans.”

Franco’s locker is right across from Roberts’ in the Met clubhouse. At 39, both Franco and Roberts recognize that the man with 17 years more years of age puts in more time on conditioning.

“Franco definitely works harder than me,” Roberts said.

Roberts concludes that some of this has to do with Franco’s dedication to lifting during the season, which Roberts doesn’t believe in; especially after having elbow surgery in ’98.

One day — if he makes it big after working hard — he might want to give Franco some of his money, because the reliever in a big brother to little brother way is trying to teach the youngster.

“I try to do it in a jokingly way,” said Franco, before explaining the lines he used to also use on Jason Isringhausen. “As he’s leaving or if he’s leaving earlier than everybody then I say, ‘Leaving already? Youngest one on the team, last one in the morning, first one to leave,'”

“John is always saying something,” Roberts said. “It doesn’t bother me.”

It should inspire him that someone who is second on the all-time saves list with 416 is trying to help him. And, according to Franco, it has at times.

“I think it sinks in, because one day he was leaving early and he said, ‘[Darn,] I’m feel guilty leaving early, I’ve got to stay and do something,'” Franco said.

If Roberts stays with the Mets, which is his preference, then he will start the season at Triple-A Norfolk. It would be ideal, if Roberts could work out as well as last season’s “top pitching prospect” did.

“He’s a little bit behind [Octavio] Dotel,” Duquette said.

Duquette added he doesn’t think the Mets “can expect what Dotel gave us.”

Duquette was talking about last season’s eight wins, but he could’ve been speaking of Mike Hampton, or, in this case, Brad Radke.