US News


A top Republican senator is turning the tables on Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo, announcing today he’ll hold hearings on why HUD took away funds for the homeless from the city’s control.

Saying he’s unhappy with responses from Cuomo, Sen. Christopher “Kit” Bond of Missouri is scheduling subcommittee hearings next month into why the Department of Housing and Urban Development is now directly administering $60million in aid for the homeless.

Cuomo charged last month that Republican Mayor Giuliani was politically punishing one nonprofit agency by denying its funding. As a result, said Cuomo, his agency decided to cut the city out of the equation and dispense the money itself.

Republicans charged that Cuomo, who is closely allied with President Clinton and the first lady, was simply out to embarrass Giuliani, who is Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton’s likely opponent in the upcoming Senate race.

The Post reported Jan. 7 that Bond and Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) were considering putting Cuomo on the hot seat.

Over the past month, Bond has sent three letters to HUD, demanding that the agency provide all documentation supporting its decision to yank New York City’s funding.

Bond, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, which oversees HUD’s annual budget, said in a statement that the agency has been “woefully inadequate” in responding to his inquiries.

“By any measure, HUD has failed to provide the documentation and information required to explain the legal and administrative basis for the agency’s decision to bar the city from administering its funds for food and shelter assistance,” Bond stated.

Bond’s 11-member panel will concentrate solely on the decision about New York City’s money.