US News


Yes, Jasmine, there is a Santa Claus.

Actually, about 30 of ’em.

Members of a Queens firehouse played Santa to a desperately poor family last night, passing the hat to collect more than $500 in cash and dozens of toys after receiving a heart-rending letter from a 10-year-old girl.

“Those firemen are heroes to me and my children,” said Elaine Roldan, an unemployed single mother of six, who also cares for her mother, who has cancer.

“They showed that there is good in the world.”

Firefighters at Engine Co. 265/Ladder Co. 121 on Rockaway Beach Boulevard in Far Rockaway said they were moved to action after reading Jasmine Roldan’s letter, which began: “Dear Mr. Fireman. I watch you on Rescue 911. I know you could tell Santa Claus [to] bring Xmas joy and happiness to me and my brother and sisters.”

The youngster goes on to explain that her father died two years ago of an asthma attack, that her youngest sister, Tatiana, age 3, has cerebral palsy and that “my mother is so good to us, but we know she can’t afford Xmas presents.”

“I don’t want them to have sadness and tears,” the letter continues. “It has been two years of sadness. Please, Santa, can you make my wish come true? Can you bring Xmas to my family?”

The letter was like a three-alarm blaze for the smoke-eaters.

“How could you not be touched by that letter?” asked Lt. Gerard Roche. “When you read it, you know you have to help.”

Roche posted the letter on the bulletin board and everyone contributed money and presents. More than $500 was raised.

Last night, a dozen firefighters — including “Santa” Kevin Brown — hopped onto their truck to deliver the money and gifts to a grateful Elaine Roldan and her stunned kids.

“We said, ‘We have it pretty good. Let’s spread a little joy,'” said Roche, himself the father of three boys. “I couldn’t imagine telling my kid that they won’t get anything for Christmas.”

The big event began as firefighter Ryan Gallagher burst into the family’s apartment and said: “We know Santa personally and he’s coming for a special visit.”

The kids squealed in delight as Ol’ Saint Nick charged in with a bag of toys and a hearty “Ho! Ho! Ho!”

The Jolly One turned to Jasmine and told her: “I read your letter and it was beautiful. I had to come down and see you in person.”

Then Santa dished out the gifts, including a Nintendo game, a TV set and coloring books.

Jasmine seemed stunned by all the attention — from newspaper and TV reporters.

“There’s a lot of people in my house and I’ve never been on TV before. Thank you and Merry Christmas to everybody.”

Jasmine’s letter showed that her wishes are not just for presents.

“If I had three wishes, it would be: 1. I would wish for a cure to all disease. 2. I would wish for no hunger. 3. I would wish for peace on earth,” she wrote.

She then promises to devote herself to helping others.

“When I grow up to be a woman, I promise to help the homeless and the sick,” she vowed.

That concern for the poor did not surprise Jasmine’s mother.

“Jasmine is the one person who cheers us all up,” Elaine Roldan said. “When we’re down, she’ll dance or sing. She’s really a happy person, despite it all. She has more power than all of us.”

Roldan said that when she explained to her children that there would be no presents, or even a Christmas tree, this year, Jasmine understood.

“But I know deep down it hurt them all, because they go to their friends’ houses and see the trees with all the presents,” Roldan said. “It’s devastating.”

Brown, the company’s official Kris Kringle, said he was touched by the letter.

“It was that letter that moved me,” Brown said. “It’s really hard to put it into words, but it is the season and Santa has to do his job.”

Jasmine’s mom, Elaine, 28, said: “The Fire Department are our true angels. And Jasmine is the joy of the whole family.”