US News


The number of pedestrians killed in city taxi crashes plunged 37 percent last year, state records show.

The Department of Motor Vehicles reports 10 pedestrian fatalities in 1998 — down from 16 the year before.

There were a total of 24 deaths resulting from accidents involving yellow cabs, livery cars and unlicensed gypsy cabs. That’s four fewer than in 1997 — a 14 percent decline.

There was a total of 13,961 taxi crashes in 1998 — about 100 fewer than the year before, the data obtained by The Post shows.

The city Taxi and Limousine Commission credited Mayor Giuliani’s zero-tolerance campaign — such as tougher TLC penalties imposed against reckless driving last year and stricter enforcement — for the drop in traffic deaths.

“That’s excellent news. The safety factor has kicked in. There are fewer fatalities,” said TLC chairwoman Diane McGrath-McKechnie.

Pedestrians agreed that cabbies were driving cautiously.

“It seems safe to me. It’s gotten better,” said Harlem resident Henry Lassiter.

“Before, cabbies would knock you over to get a fare.”