

The Trump card

True story.

Donald Trump was down in D.C. last week to tape an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews (it aired Thursday night).

Someone wanted to know if they could ask an on-camera question of Donald’s girlfriend, who accompanied him on the trip.

Said The Donald: “Ask her, ‘Is he really that good?'”

Grave error

Memo to Washington Post reporter Tony Kornheiser: Herb Stempel is alive and well and living in Queens.

Kornheiser wrote in a column published Nov. 14 — comparing ABC’s “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” to Fox’s “Greed” — that “If Stemple [sic] were still alive, he’d be pounding his fist and screaming curses at the TV set.”

And it’s Stempel, not Stemple.

Herb lost to Charles Van Doren on NBC’s “Twenty-One,” which kicked off the game show scandals documented in “Quiz Show.”

That’s the story(line)

Big news from the “One Life to Live” camp: Star Robin Strasser (Dorian) has quit the show. Sources say she’s been unhappy with her dearth of storylines.

Strasser first joined “OLTL” in 1979 and left in ’87 before returning in 1992. (See Page 77 for more “OLTL” news.)

All in the family

Ex-soap star and TV producer John Gabriel (Dr. Beaulac, “Ryan’s Hope”) says three networks have shown interest in “The House of Gabriel,” a sitcom starring himself, actress-wife Sandy Gabriel and actress-daughters Andrea Gabriel and Melissa Gabriel.

“It’s a real family playing a real family, like ‘Ozzie and Harriet’ brought into the millennium,” John says. “We went out to L.A. and had a bunch of live auditions. We should know by December.”

“French Connection” legend Sonny Grosso is producing the project. Sandy wrote the scripts.

Rat’s all, folks

IATSE Local One has added an inflatable rat to its battle against ESPN.

Local One, which represents stagehands in the Times Square area, has been picketing ESPN since Oct. 24 because its show, “The Sports Reporters” — aired from the ESPN Zone restaurant — employs non-union stagehands.

“The Starr Report” can be reachedvia e-mail at mstarr@nypost.com.