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Diet pills are the real reason “Moesha” star Brandy collapsed and landed in the hospital, a new report claims.

The 20-year-old sitcom star had insisted she was suffering from “dehydration” when she entered Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Nov. 10.

But next week’s National Enquirer quotes a source close to Brandy’s UPN sitcom as saying the actress-singer had been popping up to “four different pills — at least one of which was prescribed.”

The actress’ camp would not discuss the report.

“We have no information on that and will have no comment,” her spokeswoman said.

Brandy’s nightmare began last season, when she put on weight in her bust and thighs, the Enquirer says.

“It was so apparent that some people joked she might be pregnant,” the source told the mag.

“Then Brandy said she’d started taking three or four different pills … No one really thought much of it until Brandy returned to work this season, thin as a rail.

“All the extra weight was gone — and then some.”

The star also became combative on the set with her manager-mom, Sonja Norwood, over the direction of her career, the Enquirer reports, adding that all the pressure boiled over on Nov. 8.

“She stomped over to producers and writers and slammed the script down in front of them screaming, ‘This is a bunch of crap and I’m not doing it anymore!”’ according to the tabloid’s source.

“Then she stormed off, ranting and raving.”

The next day, “things got even worse when Brandy returned to the studio and fell to the floor screaming, ‘I can’t do it anymore. I just can’t!'” the source told the Enquirer.

The day after that, Brandy entered the hospital — forcing her show to take an unscheduled hiatus. Production of her show has been stopped at least until Thanksgiving, according to network officials.