

He looks the part. Even in a locker room full of oversized young men, Mike Rosenthal stands above the pack. He is a giant among Giants.

“He looks like he’s just ready to kick somebody’s [butt],” said left tackle Roman Oben, who at 6-4

and 305 pounds is dwarfed by Rosenthal. “That’s what he looks like. I’m glad he’s on my side.”

The first sight of Rosenthal was startling, even for a 6-5, 315-pound veteran like Brian Williams. “Oh, he’s a big boy, now,” Williams said. “He looks lean to everybody, but he’s also 7-foot-5. He’s a very strong kid.”

Even Jim McNally, the offensive line coach who has spent 19 years in the NFL trenches, uses the word “mammoth” to describe Rosenthal, who is 6-7 and 315 pounds but has a lean, statuesque frame that makes him appear to tower above the group. “He’s an unusual physical specimen,” McNally added. “Let’s hope he can block.”

That about sums up a risky, intriguing move by Jim Fassel heading into what unquestionably is the most important game this season, Sunday’s NFC East first-place clash with the Redskins at Redskins Park. Such a high-stakes game is rarely a time for experimentation, but that’s precisely what Fassel is doing, inserting Rosenthal as his starting left guard — even through he’s practiced exclusively on the right side — replacing first-round pick Luke Petitgout, his best friend and former Notre Dame teammate.

The Giants know Rosenthal, who has never played a single down from scrimmage in the NFL, is big. Now they hope he can block, starting Sunday, when the rookie lines up across from defensive tackle Dana Stubblefield.

“It’s an opportunity to go in there and live out your dream,” Rosenthal said.

Although shocking at first, the switch actually makes good sense, and not only because Rosenthal will become the Giants’ first Jewish starter since guard Bill Ellenbogen in 1977. The Giants still have high hopes for Petitgout, but he’s been playing with an injured elbow and ankle and his performance has deteriorated to the point where he’s been a liability. The plan put in motion yesterday has Petitgout moving over to get work at backup right tackle, a position he played in college and the position the Giants believe best fits his ability. That puts heat on starting right tackle Scott Gragg, who has also struggled this season.

It is not inconceivable that before the end of the season, both Rosenthal and Petitgout will be starting together.

“I saw him start to go in a direction that maybe he’s trying too hard and losing his confidence,” Fassel said of Petitgout, the 19th overall pick, who against the Colts was called for two holding penalties and missed an audible call at the line of scrimmage, leading to another penalty. “Luke was getting to the point where he was hurting us.”

As for Petitgout putting more pressure on Gragg, Fassel added “When I made the move, there was more than one reason for it. I want to see Scott play better.”

With their lockers directly across from each other, Rosenthal and Petitgout yesterday shared a bit of an awkward moment. They met four years ago, when Petitgout was a freshman and Rosenthal was a high school senior making a recruiting trip to South Bend, Ind. They became fast friends, roommates on the road and spent four years together before Petitgout (first-round) and Rosenthal (fifth) were both drafted by the Giants.

On Tuesday, Rosenthal went over to Petitgout’s apartment to hang out, and the two briefly discussed the fact that Fassel put Petitgout’s job on the line. Yesterday, Fassel gave Rosenthal his good friend’s job.

“I’m sure he’s upset about it, but he hasn’t shown any ill-effects toward me,” Rosenthal said. “He’s been great. Luke’s my best friend on the team, he’s been there back at school when we were going through rough times and I’ve been there for him. We’re going to be good friends, we’ll get through this.”

Petitgout, who appeared crushed, said “I’m happy for Rosey. He’s a mature person, he can handle things, I think he’ll be fine.”

As for his own demotion, Petitgout admitted that he has struggled, both physically and mentally. “My confidence is down a little bit,” he said. “That just comes along with the game, if you get beat a couple of times in there you start to think about things a little bit. The confidence will come back and then the level of play will come back.”

Fassel could have moved Jason Whittle or Derek Engler — both of whom have more experience — into the starting lineup, but he did not want to put his long-snapper (Whittle) or his backup center (Engler) on the field, fearing injuries. Fassel also wanted more beef inside, as Rosenthal will knock heads with the 315-pound Stubblefield and at times with 313-pound Dan Wilkinson.

The Colts last Sunday hurt the Giants with inside-pass-rush pressure and the Redskins will no doubt follow that lead and go right at Rosenthal with stunts and blitzes. Williams said he’ll help out the rookie by making all his line calls, in effect telling him whom to block on each play.

“Football is pressure, that’s what you look forward to, getting in there and playing,” Rosenthal said. “That’s what I love about the game.”