

BOSTON – Scott Brosius joked after Sunday night”s game that the Yankees should hold hands on their way out of the clubhouse.

“Let’s all use the buddy system, guys,” Brosius said. “Nobody goes out there alone.”

The Yankees remained a little wary of the Boston fans yesterday after surviving a bit of a scare on Sunday. They were curious about what new security measures were in action for last night.

Kevin Hallinan, the executive director of security and facilities for Major League Baseball, arrived in time for last night’s game.

He said the numbers of security officials and police officers would remain approximately the same for last night”s game, but said he was working with his staff for “a better plan.”

“Obviously, what happened [Sunday] night needs to be addressed,” Hallinan said, alluding to the cascade of plastic bottles, cups, food scraps and baseballs that rained down on the field in the ninth inning of the 9-2 Yankee win.

“I think it was the first time in the history of Fenway Park that players were asked to leave the field,” Hallinan added.

Using phrases like “alcohol management” and “redeployment” Hallinan seemed concerned but unwilling to give specifics about what changes would be in effect last night.

“We will ask the ushers to keep close attention to people”s tickets,” Hallinan said, “making sure people don’t come down from other seats close to the field.”

He said that in terms of alcohol management, the Fenway concession staff was asked to keep an eye on patrons from “inning to inning.”

He said the Red Sox “have no problem cutting off” alcohol distribution.

As for the tussle between security guards and members of the Yankees, Hallinan dismissed it as old news.

“It has been resolved to the Yankees” satisfaction,” he said.

But some Yankees were still steamed at the way some players’ wives were treated. Hallinan was asked about that and was also dismissive.

“I think that”s the nature of the beast,” he said. “The Yankee wives are cheering when everyone else is quiet. In other parks, it’s the same thing, it’s a good-natured back-and-forth. But one or two took it too far.”

The whole ugly scene from Sunday, Hallinan claimed, was “”an aberration.””

“The Boston fans have been terrific,” he said. “I think many of them are actually disturbed by the actions of a small number of fans.”

As for last night, he said: “I don’t have a crystal ball but I am confident that the Red Sox, the Boston police and Major League Baseball will have things under control. No components are missing.”