US News


Closing another chapter in the Paula Jones case, President Clinton has paid the legal debt imposed on him for lying about his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

Papers filed in Arkansas federal court show Clinton paid $90,686.05 in costs ordered by Judge Susan Webber Wright last April.

The money, paid in three checks, includes $79,999.12 paid to Jones’s lawyers, and $9,484.93 to the Rutherford Institute, a conservative group that also represented Jones.

Clinton also cut a check for $1,202 to pay for the judge’s trip to Washington to preside over a deposition in the Jones case.

During that January 1998 deposition, Clinton denied under oath that he had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky.

In April, Wright ruled that Clinton gave “false, misleading and evasive answers” under oath.

The president wrote the three checks Sept. 22, the court papers show. But the payments weren’t made public until yesterday.

Clinton paid the money in addition to the $850,000 settlement he paid Jones for the dismissal of her sexual-harassment suit.

Jones claimed Clinton asked her for sex in a Little Rock hotel room in 1991, while he was Arkansas’ governor and she was a state worker.

Wright dismissed Jones’ lawsuit on April 1, 1998.

Clinton agreed to a settlement after Jones appealed the ruling, but has admitted no wrongdoing.