US News


Break out the ice cubes and crank up the AC, because a heatwave is set to hit town today.

The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for New York City and some parts of New Jersey, as readings are expected to rocket up to 95 to 100 degrees.

The threat of triple-digit heat means that people should be careful not to over-exert themselves in the next couple days, said Kipp Hogan of the NWS.

“People should take it easy and not stress themselves out too much,” said Hogan.

The incoming blast of hot air could break the June 7 record of 96 degrees, set in 1925.

Hogan said today and tomorrow will be especially trying because forecasters also expect high humidity, which could make it feel as hot as 105 degrees.

Forecasters expect the heat to continue tomorrow, but break tomorrow night and Wednesday morning, with cooling thunderstorms.

“Hopefully, that will break the heat and cool us off a little bit, and it should stay like that for a while,” said Hogan.