

Veterinarian Dr. Michael Galvin, whose legal slugfest with the New York Racing Association is now in its 14th month, will begin presenting his defense Tuesday in hearings held at the Garden City Hotel, his attorney Karen Murphy said yesterday.

Galvin was banned last summer by a NYRA in-house panel for allegedly ”tubing” the filly Hip Wolf March 27, 1998, but a series of federal court rulings allowed him to continue his practice.

A second round of hearings before a new in-house panel began April 26. NYRA rested its case Monday.

”We’re moving to dismiss,” Murphy said. ”They offered shockingly insignificant evidence of any violation.”

Noting the courts ruled Galvin was denied his rights in the first hearing, Murphy said, ”We’re still not even close to due process.”

She said the panel ruled out several lines of testimony crucial to his case and will not allow character witnesses, which Murphy found ironic given that NYRA president Terry Meyocks recently appeared as a character witness for trainers Mark Hennig and Todd Pletcher when they were suspended in Florida.