US News


Just 17 days before the release of “Episode 1: The Phantom Menace,” “Star Wars” fever is making seemingly responsible people do some very unusual things.

Take the case of Jennifer Briggs, a sixth-grade teacher in Raleigh, N.C.

Well-liked by her students and considered one of the best educators at her school, Briggs was gripped by “Star Wars” fever last week as she listened to radio station WRAL.

The station said it would pay $1,000 to the first person who legally changed his or her name to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Briggs jumped at the offer and filed court papers to make the switch. And she’s not kidding about her new identity.

The former Jennifer Briggs now introduces herself as Obi-Wan Kenobi, the first female Jedi knight, in her answering-machine message.

Other fans are so devoted to “Star Wars,” they’re getting permanent reminders of their love for the cult sci-fi series.

Tattoo shops across the nation are reporting requests for tattoos of Jedi Masters, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Chewbacca and the new “Star Wars” villain, the devil-faced Darth Maul.

Fans are having the characters imprinted on their arms, chests, backs, thighs and butts.

In one case, a tattoo shop in Huntington Beach, Calif., was asked to etch a “light saber” fighting sword on the anatomy of a male fan. You can probably guess where.

Eric Negron, a tattoo artist at Big Joe’s Tattoo Studio on West 40th Street, understands the craze – in fact, he’s a big part of it.

Over the years, he’s covered his body with images of the “Star Wars” cast, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Han Solo, Princess Leia and Yoda.

His roommate and fellow “Star Wars” fanatic, Kristin Young, is tattooed with several of the “Star Wars” spaceships.

And the hoopla around the new movie may compel them to add a few more.

“I’m counting down the day myself,” said Negron, who has a huge collection of “Star Wars” toys, masks, figures and artwork worth more than $20,000.

Finally, on the other side of the world, in Sydney, Australia, “Star Wars” fans have been lining up in front of theaters – as they have everywhere else. But there’s one big difference: It’s the dead of winter down under.

That means fans are all bundled up, wearing long johns, wool hats and down jackets to stay warm.

Good Samaritans are helping them out with coffee and hot chocolate.

“There’s one thing you’ve got to admit – they’re dedicated,” said a spokesman for the “Star Wars” Line Countdown project, which sponsored the line to raise money for charity.

Yeah – and maybe a bit daft, too.