

Call it “Vote of Confidence, The Sequel.”

Let’s hope for Islanders coach Bill Stewart’s sake that this one turns into less of a disaster than the original.

Stewart’s shaky job status has taken an upturn. One week after a fuming Mike Milbury considered firing Stewart, the Isles GM on Tuesday met with the coach for an hour in his office. According to Stewart, Milbury told him during the course of the discussion he’d like to see him back next season.

Of course, it’s not certain Stewart will return – too many things can happen between now and then – but Milbury has begun exploratory contract talks with Stewart’s representatives.

Eleven days ago, Stewart looked to be a goner after making ill-advised remarks, saying in part, “If we had the resources to acquire National Hockey League talent, would it be a different story? It’s pretty clear.”

Previously, Milbury had become incensed at Stewart’s reaction after he gave him a public vote of confidence on March 3. The cocky rookie coach who won big in the Colonial League and AHL surprisingly wouldn’t commit to coming back, saying, “We’ll see where we go.”

Milbury also got word that Stewart knocked the organization to other people in the league. All of the above had Milbury eyeing ex-Islander Butch Goring and a humbled Stewart fretting about his job.

Still, Stewart said yesterday, “I think Mike and I were always on the same page and his confidence never wavered in me.”

Stewart and Milbury have talked daily since the controversy erupted. Stewart has apparently cleared up with Milbury the perception that he regarded the Isles as a mere stepping-stone to a higher-profile coaching job. A source close to Stewart said the coach is not likely to accept anything less than a two-year deal because “it’s a young team.”

Stewart made an embarrassing $140,000 this season. The current contract, drawn up hastily upon his promotion Jan. 21, is scheduled to give him $200,000 next season, but that contract will likely be torn up. Figure on Stewart being offered a two-year deal at $300,000 per, which would no longer make him the league’s lowest-paid coach. Calgary’s Brian Sutter makes $275,000. *Tonight is “Fan Appreciation Night” as the Isles play their final home game vs. Carolina. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been much for co-owners Howard Milstein and Steven Gluckstern for which to be appreciative. While Gluckstern won’t talk to the media until season’s end, he’s told a couple of fans the team will lose $20 million this season, a figure a team insider confirms as accurate.