US News


Yet another Democrat – Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts – nixed a 2000 presidential run yesterday, leaving a likely two-man race between Vice President Al Gore and former Sen. Bill Bradley.

Kerry said he’s a no-go, even though “my heart loves the battle,” because he’d have to raise “an exorbitant amount of money” and felt it would be “inappropriate” for his rich wife to bankroll him.

But Kerry also faced the stark reality that polls in next-door New Hampshire, where a Massachusetts man would be expected to do well, were distinctly unfriendly.

“Bradley’s basic argument is ‘I’m not Al Gore,’ and it’s better for him if there’s one person making that argument, not eight,” said Democratic strategist Steve McMahon, who isn’t tied to either camp.

Several other Democrats – Sens. Bob Kerrey (Neb.) and Paul Wellstone (Minn.) and House Democratic leader Dick Gephardt – have decided not to run, leaving only Jesse Jackson still mulling a race.

Gore leads Bradley now, but the ex-Knick has come up in polls and some Democratic activists voice concern about the electability of the veep, who trails 10 to 20 points behind the top Republicans, Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Elizabeth Dole.