US News


WASHINGTON – Just call him Grandpa Gore.

Vice President Al Gore is expecting his very first grandkid in June – parents-to-be are daughter Karenna Gore Schiff, 25, a Columbia University law school student, and her doctor-husband, Drew, 33.

“Al and I are thrilled about the prospect of becoming grandparents for the first time. We look forward to welcoming our first grandchild,” said a statement from the veep’s wife, Tipper.

That likely will make Gore the only grandfather in the top tier of the 2000 presidential field. Democratic rival Bill Bradley’s college student-daughter is single while Republican George W. Bush’s twin daughters are teens and Elizabeth Dole has no children.

The Schiffs, who were married in 1997, just signed a contract to buy a $2.5 million East 66th Street duplex co-op that reportedly has plenty of room for one more – 4,000 square feet, a double-height living room, master suite, two spare bedrooms, two rooms for maids and $5,600 monthly maintenance.

Meanwhile, a new poll shows Gore would beat both Bush and Dole in New York state if the 2000 presidential race were held today. The last Republican presidential candidate to win New York was Ronald Reagan.

Gore leads Bush by 49 to 40 percent and tops Dole by 50 to 37 percent in Quinnipiac College’s Feb. 16-21 poll of 1,270 New Yorkers who say they are registered voters. The margin of error is 2.8 percentage points either way.