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The ex-champ will remain in isolation until March 16 for smashing a television set and injuring a prison guard.

Mike Tyson’s TV-throwing tantrum has earned him 25 days in solitary.

The former world heavyweight boxing champ will remain in isolation until March 16 because of last Friday’s outburst in which he smashed a television set and injured a guard.

Tyson, who served five days in solitary while awaiting yesterday’s ruling by a two-member disciplinary panel, will also lose phone and visitation privileges.

“It’s the same situation as before, only he doesn’t get out of the cell to recreate or take meals as often,” said Eric Seleznow, a spokesman for the Maryland jail.

Tyson will remain in his 5-by-8-foot cell for 23 hours a day with one hour for shower and exercise. He will have no contact with other prisoners.

Corrections officials said the fighter once known as the Baddest Man on the Planet was watching TV with other inmates Friday when he became enraged.

Tyson lawyer Paul Kemp, who wasn’t allowed at the hearing, has said he wasn’t sure what set off the boxer. But a source close to the Tyson camp said the ear-biting brawler lost it when guards told him his TV time was up.

That’s when Pig-Iron Mike picked up the 25-inch Sanyo and smashed it against the bars.

Kemp has blamed the ex-fighter’s outburst on his withdrawal from the anti-depressant drug Zoloft.

The fighter was taken off the medication several days before he threw the tantrum that destroyed a $300 TV and injured the guard, who was allegedly struck with shards of plastic from the television.

Seleznow said Tyson didn’t want his medication.

“All I can say is we offered him medication at all times,” Seleznow said.

Kemp did not return phone calls yesterday.

Tyson’s private doctor, Richard Goldberg, put the pugnacious pugilist back on his medicine after a jail-cell appointment Saturday.

Tyson has been serving a one-year sentence since Feb. 5 after pleading no contest to charges he assaulted two men following a minor traffic accident last August.

The jail sentence cost Tyson his boxing license – which had recently been renewed. Tyson first lost his license after he bit both of Evander Holyfield’s ears in a 1997 title fight.

Tyson also is on probation in Indiana for raping a beauty-pageant contestant in an Indianapolis hotel room in 1991. He was released from prison in March 1995 after serving three years.

Indiana officials are considering whether to revoke his probation based on his legal problems in Maryland.

George Walker, Tyson’s Indiana probation officer, said authorities there are waiting to hear whether the boxer will appeal his sentence in Maryland before taking any action.

Tyson has until March 7 to appeal the sentence. Kemp has said he would decide on the appeal by the end of the week.