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Mike Tyson could be allowed out of jail temporarily to train – and even fight – while he serves his one-year sentence for assault in Maryland, it was reported today.

Tyson’s prison requires many inmates to work during the day at their chosen profession, said Russ Hamill, acting director of corrections in Montgomery County, Md. – where Iron Mike is an involuntary guest.

“Since boxing is his employment and his job,” Tyson might be let out on weekdays to train at an area gym – and out-of-town fights are not out of the question, Hamill told The Washington Post.

“We’d have to verify where he is and that he remained drug- and alcohol-free,” Hamill said.

Tyson would have to wait 60 days to be eligible for the work-release program. A judge would have to grant him permission to leave the area for fights.

Other good news came yesterday from Tyson’s probation officer in Indiana – where the fighter served time for a 1992 rape conviction.

The officer, George Walker, suggested Tyson’s Maryland assault sentence does not automatically put him in violation of his Indiana probation.

Tyson was only five weeks shy of completing his Indiana probation when the Maryland judge sentenced him last week to a year for beating up two motorists after a fender-bender.

Lawyers for Tyson would not comment on whether they’re holding off on appealing his sentence until after Indiana officials decide for certain if he’s violated probation and must, therefore, serve still more jail time in that state.

The fighter has 30 days to challenge last week’s sentence and apply to be let out on bail while the appeal is processed.

But completing – rather than appealing – his sentence could convince the Nevada Athletic Commission that he’s repenting his crimes and accepting his punishment.

And with good behavior, Tyson could be released from the Montgomery County Detention Center in as little as seven months.

Tyson’s lawyers argued repeatedly during last week’s sentencing hearing that Iron Mike is millions of dollars in debt and, at 32 years old, has perhaps one year left in his boxing career.

Shelly Finkel, his adviser, testified Tyson could pay off that debt with three or four more fights. Tyson is scheduled to fight April 24 against an unidentified opponent.