trump-biden debate

Joe Biden’s Voice Sounded Horrible at the Debate

Donald Trump And Joe Biden Participate In First Presidential Debate
Photo: Getty Images

President Joe Biden had essentially one job coming into debate night against Donald Trump in Atlanta: to convince Americans that he is healthy and energetic enough at 81 to serve instead of his 78-year-old opponent. By that metric, it did not go very well.

Biden came out in his opening statement offering a message that his administration is driving an economy with millions of new jobs that is taking a bite out of inflation. He also reminded Americans of the many crises the nation was facing at the end of Trump’s administration, when the then-president was advising Americans to inject bleach as a COVID defense. But as Biden offered his pitch to voters, he sounded quite raspy, undermining the case that his campaign needs to make this year — that he has what it takes to lead the country for four more years.

According to NBC News, the president has a summer cold, though it’s a little unusual that the Biden team wouldn’t broadcast that until halfway through the debate:

Setting his arguments aside, Trump sounded fairly clear and concise — a surprise for those who have been paying attention to his rallies this month. Eventually, though, the old Trump made his ways known:

When asked later in the debate about his age, Biden said that he spent half his career as the youngest politician in Washington, D.C. — and half as the oldest. “This guy’s three years younger and a lot less competent,” Biden said of Trump.

When Trump was asked of his health, he said, “We knock on wood wherever we may have wood that I’m in good health.” The two candidates then fell into a conversation about who is a better golfer. “Let’s not act like children,” Trump said.

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Joe Biden’s Voice Sounded Horrible at the Debate