NUFORC UFO Sighting 835

Occurred: 1995-09-15 22:00 Local
Reported: 1995-09-19 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 18 min.

Location: New York City, NY, USA


Caller called on morning of 19SE95 to report sighting. Caller reported the following:

The caller reported that at 2208 hrs. (eastern), she was riding the Staten Island Ferry from the tip of Manhattan to Staten Island. Just as the ferry was passing Governor's Island, she became aware of a commotion on the east side of the ferry boat. People were rushing to that side of the ferry, shouting, pointing, and generally raising a ruckus.

She decided to try to determine was the cause of the disturbance, and walked outside onto the passenger deck. What she saw shocked her. The object was huge, and it obscured the passengers' view of Governor's Island. Many of them reported that the object looked like a city, with lights and a skyline. However, its presence apparently roiled the water beneath it, causing a froth to appear on the water's surface!!

For days afterward, the witnessed handed out leaflets at the ferry terminal, hoping to contact other passengers who had seen the object. Those same people approached 9-1-1 facilities, requesting copies of the tape recorded reports of the object, which was also seen from Governor's Island, but the tapes were either missing, or not made available, they were told.

A video tape about the incident was prepared, a copy of which is in the possession of NUFORC.

This incident apparently was VERY dramatic, and it was witnessed by dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of people.

We would be most grateful if anyone else who was present that night would please submit a report about what they saw that night.

Posted 1999-11-02

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