NUFORC UFO Sighting 4742

Occurred: 1998-10-26 18:05 Local
Reported: 1998-11-03 00:00 Pacific
Duration: about 30 mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Corfu (Darien/Pembroke/Alexander), NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

A strange light was seen heading east. I followed it. I thought that I had lost it. I looked over to the left side of the road, and hoovering back over the filed was this weird yelowsih flashing object. It was 3 lights. I pulled off onto the left side of the road, and it headed west. I follwed it until I reached a stop sign. It was overhead of me, floating above a MAIN Highway. It turned around and headed the other direction.

I went to the store and on my way back I noticed an unusual bright object heading east on the left side of the road. Behind it was a smaller light, following it. I noticed it because it was flying so low over top some trees and then like that it accelerated its speed. I followed it on the main road, route 33 east. I lost sight of it for a second, but on insticnt I turned down Angling road heading north east. I got to a clearing on a top of a hill. I looked over to the left side where I thought I could see the object moving, and instead I saw 3 bright yellwosih lights blinking in a very unusal non- pattern formation hoovering over a field. I cant say how far away it was, but pretty far back. I turned onto the left side of the road and watched it. The it started moving west, slowly at first, then faster. I went back onto Rt 33 and follwed it. I thought I could maybe beat it to the next road on the left, where it appeared it would fly over. Instead, the object made a 90 degree turn, crossed over Rt 33 and headed south.Luckily it turned where I could take a road to follow it, Colby road.As I follwed it, it appeeared to be further and further. I kept following it anyways. Finally I saw it move to the south east. I turned down Sharrick road and followed it some more. When I reached the next road, the object was on the left side of me, approaching an intersection. When I got to the intersection of Rt 20, the object turned around right over the intersection! It was triangular. A light was at each vertex. Each time the craft changed directions, a red and green light went on. Of course I did an illegle u-turn and speed to keep up with the object, now heading north west. Finally I lost it and I gave up. I know I have seen tis particular object before. When it was over the field, there were two lights on top, and one in between the two on the bottom. It made no noise and for some reason, it didn't really try to get away from me. It could've becasue I was going about 110 miles per hour trying t! o follow it. It knew I was folowing it. And for some other strange reason, it followed the roads, why didn't it go where I couldn't follow? The are I saw it in was a pretty populated area.

Posted 2002-09-19

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