NUFORC UFO Sighting 4415

Occurred: 1994-10-20 20:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-08-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Stone Ridge, NY, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

While riding home at night, my wife, daughter, and I saw an object in the sky to our left over a cornfield. From the center of the object, a bright white light shone upon the field. My wife thought it was a helicopter searching for something. As we drove the object intersected the road. I stopped the car and we saw above us a large, silent, triangular shaped craft with multicolored lights on each point of the triangle.

My wife, daughter, and I were driving home on route 209 frim Kingston, NY to our home in Stone Ridge. While driving we saw an object off to the left hovering above a cornfield. There was a white light coming from the bottom of the object, shining on the field. My wife speculated that it might be a helicopter searching for something. We continued driving when I noticed that the object was starting to move in a direction that would have it intersect the road about a mile or two ahead of us. We continued to watch the object as it move closer towards the road. I pulled off the road onto the soft shoulder, and we exited the car. The object crossed above us a few hundred feet. It was perfectly silent, triangular in shape, with one light on each point of the triangle. The lights were rs, green, and blue. What made it so eerie was it's slow, silent movement. After passing over us it moved to a field on our right, and then sped off to the south. It traveled so fast that it practically disappeared. l

Posted 1999-01-28

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