NUFORC UFO Sighting 4135

Occurred: 1985-09-01 09:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-06-28 00:00 Pacific
Duration: hours
No of observers: 10

Location: Rockland/Westchester Counties, NY, USA

Shape: Disk

UFO hovering for hours over Indian Point Nuclear Reactor -- reported live on local radio (WRKL) with reporter and sheriff's deputies in attendance -- strangely not reported anywhere else afterwards.

I did not witness this myself, but listened to eyewitness live account on local radio (WRKL) while on my way to college in upstate NY. Besides reporter, a number of other people were reported to have watched for hours while a disc hovered over Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant on Hudson River in Buchanan, NY. Reporter watched spectacle from Rockland County side of river with sheriff's deputies in attendance. Reporter relayed details for several minutes live. However, no subsequent reports of this incident arose anywhere else (e.g., major newspapers, etc.). I cannot recall exact date, but it had to be between late August 1985 and May 1986. I believe it was Sept or Oct 1985. (Also, I spent most of my life in Rockland County and heard of numerous other strange sightings -- one in particular was from a friend of my father's who, when walking a dog early one morning in the mid-1970s, saw a very small disc (appx 3 feet dia) hovering over a neighborhood power line transformer "shooting lightning bolts off of it" until it zinged away at high speed. Around this same time my father and I saw a strange reddish light dancing in the summer evening western sky as the sun was setting -- it hovered, drifted downwards, shot up, and randomly moved up and down, to and fro for appx one hour, before shooting off at blinding speed)

Posted 1999-01-28

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