NUFORC UFO Sighting 4040

Occurred: 1998-09-03 23:38 Local
Reported: 1998-09-04 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 5 sec.
No of observers: 2

Location: Freeport (Long Island), NY, USA

Shape: Sphere
Characteristics: Left a trail, Aircraft nearby

We were driving West on Southern State pkwy. a Blue-Green Sphere Shaped Object zoomed East to West across the sky

The moon was visible and sky was very hazy before we saw the object. As we drove West on Southern State Pkwy., just past Exit 22 (Meadowbrook Pkwy.), a blue-green sphere shaped object zoomed very fast across the sky from East to West. We did not have the radio on and the windows were open. There was no sound from the object. After arriving home about 20 minutes later, we noticed the clouds looked like they were cut in half with a knife and we saw a huge white streak of mist and/or exhaust going in the same direction as the object flew. the moon became very visible and we saw some stars. 5 minutes later approx 12:05am, we heard heliocopters in the distance. As the white streak dissapated, the haze and clouds covered the sky again, the stars were no longer visable and the moon was back in the haze again.

Posted 1998-09-26

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