NUFORC UFO Sighting 4024

Occurred: 1998-07-27 21:13 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-09-18 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Castle Creek, NY, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Driving home from work on a clear night, I saw in the middle of the sky four bright lights grouped together in the shape of a square. They didn't appear to be moving.

I think it was the last tuesday of the month of July. I had just gotten done with work, and it was about 9:13 pm. I wasn't looking for anything, I was just driving home, like I did every other night. (currently I am enrolled in college) I live on a big hill, with a nice view, so when I got half of the way up there I saw some lights in the sky. It was freaky, all I could do is stare. Then I got to a patch of trees where I couldn't see anything anymore. The sight scared me so much that as soon as I got home, I told my dad about it and I took my younger brother down to the exact spot to see it again. When we got down there, it was nowhere to be seen. I waited a bit, but nothing happened so we drove back home. As I recall, there were four bright objects, floating directly in the center of the sky. There is no way they could have been attached to anything on the ground. Since then I put it in the back of my mind, saying that it was just my imagination, that I wanted to see a ufo so much, that I wanted to believe so much, that I created the image in my head. I discredited the fact that it could have been a reflection in my mirror or window because there were no other lights around, and no one had been following me that night. So I forgot about the whole incident, until today. I just read the November 1998 issue of UFO magazine, and on page 9 it shows a picture exactly of what I saw that night. I am now, totally convinced that what I saw that night can be classified as a UFO. The sighting that was pictured in the magazine was taken in Texas, in 1996 and I had never seen the magazine before in my life. I don't think that I could have made something like that up on my own.

Posted 1998-11-21

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