NUFORC UFO Sighting 3478

Occurred: 1985-08-12 00:42 Local
Reported: 1998-04-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: under 1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: North Tonawanda, NY, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Changed Colo

Sighting witnessed during Persaides meteor shower.

While observing the meteor shower, we witnessed more than six, less than twelve saucer shaped crafts, flying in foramtion. My mother witnessed them first, but believed them to be meteorites. I had been laying on my back on a picnic bench and immediately rose to my feet saying "That's not a shooting star, they're ufo's." At the time we where in our backyard, my brother was also with us, and had told me the time minutes earlier. He did not witness the objects before us, even though he looked directly upon them. They were close enough that you could hit them with a tennis ball, just above normal tree top level. Direction of flight from East to West. Approximate speed; 10 miles per hour. Shape of crafts; As of two coffee saucers put together. Center rim, seamed seamless, otherwise, no other discernable features. Color; From a distance of approximately 5 car lengths, ships appeared gray. As they moved closer, one could see a sandy colored metallic appearence. Size of objects; About the size of a VW Beetle. flight pattern; in straight line at first, when they observed us, or vice-versa, went into sea serpent acrobatics, all in perfect alignment and harmony. Truely intense. Mothers testimony; was somewhat different from what I seen. She was behind me, by about 15 feet. She saw them as red and orange pill shaped objects. Older Brother; witnessed nothing, but shined flashlighht directly at them. Reason he did not see them is unknown to us. Missing time description; as I tried to get a better vantage point, missing time was experienced. The lapse only felt as of a second, but profoundly and deeply recognizeable. Objects floated of into the distance as far as I can recall. This phenomina was not experienced by Mom, though she appeared awe struck and stationary until I took her by the arm and went inside the house to ask her what she saw. I asked her "what did you see?". Her reply; "I saw what you saw." Personal reflection of incident; When being in closest proximity of said objects, I felt like a child again. Also felt that crafts were studying the meteorite showers or just enjoying the big show.

Posted 1999-01-28

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