NUFORC UFO Sighting 3445

Occurred: 1997-05-15 21:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1998-04-05 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Great River, NY, USA

Shape: Oval

As I was leaving in my car from a building I happened to look up into the sky and noticed 6 hovering things. I stopped my car and got out to look. I couldn't beleive it. I also saw a police car down the block with its flashing lights as if in response to this sight, I don't know. I went back to the building to get some input from other people. By that time the things had moved but were somewhat seeable if you looked.

The objects were all the same size and were a gold/yellow color. More of a blazing fire color. At first they were just there, it a semi circle and I thought we were going to get attacked. Sounds crazy, I know, but that's why I went back to the building I came from. I was somewhat frightened but I really wanted another opinion on this. It didn't help that a police car was up the block with its lights on. One other person from the building saw what I saw. Others tried to look but couldn't see anything. As far as my memory will recall, it seems they would appear and then not appear, because they weren't easily seen after I went back for other opinions. I must also add that after that event, throughout Long Island skies, I noticed these yellow color "planes" or things that would distract people while they were driving. This thing would catch your eye in the sky as you're driving and you couldn't help watching it. This may have caused some accidents. Lasted about 2 weeks. A brief description of my background is that I am of sound mind, a mom of 3, and work for a living, like everyone else.

Posted 1999-01-28

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