NUFORC UFO Sighting 2929

Occurred: 1995-05-03 22:30 Local
Reported: 1997-11-30 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10-20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Alden, NY, USA

Shape: light

Summary : I was just about to goto bed and I looked out my window for some strange reason and I looked to the south and I saw this very bright light in the sky. The object was going up at a fast rate and when it went behind the clouds you could see the clouds! The object looked flat from a distance and it had no flashing lights on it to tell me that it was a airplane or heliocopter. It had two bright lights that were side by side with a small space in between. I opened my window and I couldn't hear a sound. I live in the country and there isn't a lot of noise that I hear besides crickets. It startled me a lot. When it reached a point in the sky, it sat there for a couple of minutes, pulsing with its lights. Then it moved very quickly over to the West and sat the for a couple minutes again pulsing. Then it got very bright and then it just disappeared.

the object seemed very large and flat from a distance. There were two very bright lights side by side going upwards. no sound, no blinking lights to indicate it was a airplane or heliocopter. when it stopped, it was pulsing. very lightly. When the object was in the West, It got very bright it had a somewhat blue tint to the light when it got bright. and then it just disappeared.....

Posted 1999-01-28

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