NUFORC UFO Sighting 2832

Occurred: 1965-06-30 14:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1997-11-06 00:00 Pacific
Duration: unknown
No of observers: 1

Location: Brentwood (Long Island), NY, USA


Summary: My neighbor said I disapeared of the front stoop of my house,

There was a day during the summer in the mid 60's when my dad called me over while he was talking to our neighbor across the street. My father said that my neighbor, ((Name deleted)), was telling him that he was upset over the fact that I literally disappeared from off my front stoop. I stood there and looked at him. How could I have disappeared off of my stoop?? I told him that things like that do not happen. He said it did. He said he was working in his yard, he saw me sitting on the stoop, he turned his head for a second, and when he looked back I was gone.

I said he must have been mistaken. I said I must have gone into the house. He said that there was not enough time..he said he just looked away for a second. He was really upset about it. I dismissed the entire thing as something he THOUGHT he saw, and forgot about it. Who ever heard of abductions during the '60's. We had sightings, but that was about it. Many years have passed and now the UFO information we have has grown and opened up many new avenues of thought. One of these is abductions. As I was first learning about this during the early '90's, I suddenly had a flashback to that conversation in the street with my dad and our neighbor. But I had no memory of any abduction..I still don't. But what I do have is a very strange memory puzzle that fits together..and it has to do with me being on my front stoop. When I put put these three pieces together, I came up with this strange story. Piece one had to do with me sitting on my front stoop. I saw a light coming from out of the north headed in my general direction. I thought it was a jet. To think about it now why didn't I see the body of the was broad daylight on a summer afternoon. I watched the light seem to slow down and suddenly shoot off to the east. I remember, a ufo. That was the first piece of memory I have had floating in my head. The second was a memory of me being on the stoop, and suddenly I felt like absolute garbage. I was nausious and felt a little dizzy. I had no clue what was wrong. I tried to get up. I figured I would go lie down on the patio lounge. As I got up I felt worse..I was completely disoriented. I staggered towards the gate to go into my back yard and wound up in the garage standing by my bike wondering what was the matter with me. I finally made it to the lounge, and I remember my mother telling me later that I slept for about two hours or so. IF..these pieces belong together, the picture looks like this. I was on the stoop. I saw the UFO coming. It slowed down. I was grabbed and my neighbor witnessed it even though he looked away for a second. I was returned, saw the UFO leave..and then the sick disorientation set in. From there I walked in a disoriented state, from my the the lounge chair and slept for hours. I now know that this has been going on in my life since the mid '50's. As a child I had little people in my room that would advance toward my bed...and that was all I remember. I have had visitors in my teens and adult life. I have managed to pull all of these memories that have been floating in my head for years as undefined strange events, together to make sense of it all. The only one I did not understand until fairly recently, was the inner nagging drive to study a particular topic. I had no idea why, since I was 5 or so, that I had to study this topic. The information did not appear in my life until my early 20's. It continued in dribs and drabs straight to today. All of this info is on my 20 page web site. http://www.((address deleted)).HTM That's my story.

Posted 1999-01-28

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